June 28, 2010

Superuse.org: Where recycling meets design

Superuse.org: Where recycling meets design: "The mobile Peopleskitchen makes it possible to cook and eat in inaccessible locations-at first sight-to the public. The Peopleskitchen exist from a system of wooden auctioncrates, beams and canvas. It is put together with shelfs, belts and wedges. The auctioncrates serve aswell as storage of the cook- and food material. People that pass by and invitees are invited to cook and consume a meal together. Thus there a temporary meetingplace in uninhabited urban locations arises such as construction locations, construction wells or empty buildings. The intention is to make contrast tangible between the harsh character of the location and it social of together dining. Differently said, inaccessible places become shortly a public meeting space.